Issue 17: Opportunity, challenge and change

What are charity leaders excited about? What is their biggest challenge? What changes have they navigated?

Issue 17: Opportunity, challenge and change

What are charity leaders excited about? What is their biggest challenge? What changes have they navigated?

What are charity leaders excited about? What is their biggest challenge? What changes have they navigated? These are three questions we asked charity leaders across the UK. Many were facing similar challenges but were optimistic about a diverse range of opportunities; especially having adapted in response to the pandemic and funding pressures during the cost-of-living crisis.

This month’s issue looks at some practical ways to save money, manage risk and get excited about your charity’s future, even in the wake of big challenges.

What’s in this issue?

Rightsizing. Chris Waight MRICS, Consultant Director at Constructive Space gives tips on how to rightsize and optimise your office space.

How to rightsize and optimise your office space – Charities Network Magazine
Chris Waight MRICS, Consultant Director at Constructive Space gives tips on how to rightsize and optimise your office space.

Managing risk through change. Access Insurance provides insight into understanding risk at every stage of managing change.

Change management: why you should assess risk at every stage – ACEVO

Do you resonate? 9 charity leaders on what they are excited about, their biggest challenge and a recent change.

Opportunity, challenge and change for UK charity leaders – Charities Network Magazine
What are charity leaders excited about? What is their biggest challenge? What changes have they navigated? These are three questions we asked charity leaders across the UK.

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