Defining success for 2025 and other resources

A range of examples of charity strategic plans and how they are looking ahead for 2024-25 and beyond. Also some further reading on growth.
a chess game in progress

Defining success for 2025 and other resources

A range of examples of charity strategic plans and how they are looking ahead for 2024-25 and beyond. Also some further reading on growth.

What does success this year look like?

Many end-of-year impact reports will be published at the end of this year, and one thing it provides is an opportunity to update your audience on how you are progressing towards the milestone goals and, ultimately, the mission of your organisation.

The use of SMART goals on what should be achieved by 2025, for example, as The Fire Fighters Charity or Settle have set and publicly published, provides clarity on what success looks like in a defined period of time and creates a shared sense of vision and purpose to both internal and external stakeholders.

Another charity that has publicly set goals as to what will be achieved by 2025 is Breast Cancer Now with their Turning the Tide Strategy for 2025, with specific progress areas such as tackling secondary breast cancer.

Shelter Scotland has a strategic plan that defines if they have been successful and how they aim to achieve these goals.

Humankind Charity’s plan explains its previous strategic goals and achievements before highlighting its ambitions over the next five years.

Growth resources

Still on the subject of strategy, here is Eastside People’s list of top 10 strategy resources for those interesting in learning more about strategic planning, or want to develop a broader perspective on the subject.


There have been quite a few mergers between charities recently as charities look to grow their impact, such as 2 mind charities in London.

Growing impact

This article in CharityToday looks at how Me2 Club are growing their impact as well as operations. “Demand for Me2 Club’s services is on the increase: we’ve doubled the size of our staff team, relocated to bigger offices, helped 60% more children year on year and a key part of our strategy has been expanding into the neighbouring borough of Reading – a significant and ambitious undertaking.”

Growth doesn’t come with out its struggles. Katie Antill, CEO, Alzheimer’s & Dementia Support Services shares their experience of growing pains with ACEVO.

Stakeholder experience

Recognising how your organisation is perceived is important, Faith Chrisp looks at why working on the experience of different stakeholders matters.

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