Using CRM to overcome difficulty retaining and managing volunteers

CRM systems can be tailored to effectively manage volunteers, enhancing engagement and improve retention rates.
a CRM system

Using CRM to overcome difficulty retaining and managing volunteers

CRM systems can be tailored to effectively manage volunteers, enhancing engagement and improve retention rates.

Volunteers are indispensable to countless charities; their contributions often play a pivotal role in a not-for-profit’s capacity to effectively enact positive change. However, successfully managing and retaining volunteers has often posed a significant challenge to charities.

To help alleviate some of these challenges, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can be a valuable tool. Originally designed to manage customer relationships, CRM systems can be tailored to effectively manage volunteers, enhancing engagement and improve retention rates.

Here’s how:

1. Centralised volunteer management

Managing a large volunteer base can be overwhelming, and without a place to centralise all your data it can be hard to keep track of all crucial information. A CRM system solves this problem, acting as a centralised hub to store all volunteer information. Data stored within the system can cover details such as contact details, volunteer preferences, availability, qualifications, onboarding details, and much more.

Using a CRM system to manage all volunteer data enables your organisation to have a comprehensive overview of each volunteer, ensuring that no one is overburdened or under utilised. For example, when additional volunteers are needed for a specific event, a CRM system allows staff to quickly filter and contact suitable candidates based on location, skills, and availability.

2. Enhanced communication and engagement

Effective communication is crucial for nurturing strong relationships with volunteers. However, charities often struggle with establishing clear and consistent communication due to limited resources and time constraints.

A CRM system supports charities with end-to-end marketing functionality, allowing you to send targeted emails, updates, and reminders based on individual volunteer interests and past participation.

Additionally, automated email campaigns can provide volunteers with regular updates on their contributed hours and the impact of their efforts. This keeps volunteers informed, appreciated, and engaged without requiring constant manual intervention from staff members.

3. Improved training and support

Providing adequate training, guidance, and support is crucial for volunteer success and satisfaction. A CRM system can track the training programs volunteers have completed and identify areas where additional support might be needed. This ensures that volunteers feel well-prepared and confident in their roles, leading to higher retention rates.

Additionally, a CRM system can facilitate the scheduling of training sessions and send automated reminders to ensure volunteers attend necessary training and support sessions.

4. Feedback and problem resolution

Gathering and addressing volunteer feedback is essential for identifying improvement areas and maintaining volunteer satisfaction.

A CRM system can streamline the feedback process by allowing charities to create, manage, send and analyse feedback forms and surveys. In doing so, charities can gain valuable insights into volunteer experiences, and address any issues quickly, making volunteers feel heard and supported.

5. Matching opportunities to volunteer preferences

Correctly matching opportunities to volunteers is crucial for keeping them engaged and motivated. For instance, a volunteer with a background in marketing may find fulfilment in tasks such as social media management or event promotion, while a volunteer passionate about working with children may prefer youth mentoring or tutoring.

A CRM system can track and align the interests and abilities of each volunteer with available opportunities, ensuring that their skills are applied to the best areas.

By accurately matching volunteers with suitable tasks, charities can ensure that volunteers are more likely to feel enthusiastic and committed to their roles, leading to better retention and satisfaction.


Charities face numerous challenges in managing and retaining volunteers. A CRM system emerges as a valuable tool to address these challenges, streamlining volunteer management and fostering stronger relationships with volunteers. Ultimately, this enables charities to maximise their impact, achieve their goals, and create positive change within their communities.


Pragmatiq is a Microsoft Solutions Partner, specialising in Bespoke Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems. They work across multiple industries across diverse industries, including Charities & Non-Profits, Membership Management, Education, Training Providers, and Health & Social Care.

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