Issue 16: Leading on culture

Culture has a critical role to play on wellbeing, productivity and ultimately your organisation's impact.

Issue 16: Leading on culture

Culture has a critical role to play on wellbeing, productivity and ultimately your organisation’s impact.

Charity leaders have the demanding job of creating a productive, diverse and creative place of work for their staff and volunteers, knowing that culture has a critical role to play on wellbeing, productivity and ultimately your organisation’s impact. This is why having goals, values and a clear vision of what your culture is and needs to be is important to building a thriving organisation. However, fostering good culture is made challenging by change and uncertainty. 

This month’s issue looks at some practical ways to shape culture for the good of your people and your organisation as a whole.

What’s in this issue?

Charity Culture: The Transformational Toolkit. Grant Forrest, CEO of the Parish Giving Scheme writes about your role as a leader in shaping your charity’s culture and the importance of being values-driven.

The transformational change tool of charity culture
Your role as a leader in shaping your charity’s culture and the importance of being values-driven.

Rightsteps on practical ways you can help your team through uncertain times.

Helping your employees to cope with uncertainty – Rightsteps
Rightsteps on practical ways you can help your team through uncertain times.

Charity Examples: How Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice reshaped it’s culture.

Reshaping culture, income generation and service provision: Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice – Charities Network Magazine
An example of shaping culture, recruiting a diverse board, trying new income generation campaigns and creating services that fill gaps in the system.

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