Charity 2wish collaborates with EBM and Space Group to support bereaved families

The charity 2wish partnered with EBM Group and Space Group to open two new bereavement rooms at Morriston Hospital in Swansea.
Collaborating partners at the official opening of the bereavement rooms

Charity 2wish collaborates with EBM and Space Group to support bereaved families

The charity 2wish partnered with EBM Group and Space Group to open two new bereavement rooms at Morriston Hospital in Swansea.

The charity 2wish partnered with EBM Group and Space Group to open two new bereavement rooms at Morriston Hospital in Swansea. Located in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), these rooms provide a sanctuary for families who have experienced the sudden death of a child or young person aged 25 and under.

A safe haven for families

The newly refurbished rooms offer a peaceful environment for grieving families, thanks to the contributions of EBM Group and Space Group.

Key contributions from EBM and Space Group

Initiation of the partnership: Gethin Edwards, owner of EBM Group, reached out to 2wish after experiencing the charity’s support during his family’s time of need. “By making a commitment to help the charity deliver bereavement rooms, this is my way of giving back,” Edwards explained, highlighting the importance of creating spaces that offer respite from the clinical environment.

Free services: Both companies provided their services at no cost, allowing the creation of bereavement rooms without putting the financial burden on the charity or hospital.

Furniture funding: Space Group financed the new furniture, ensuring the rooms were functional and inviting.

Design and decoration: EBM Group transformed the clinical space into a comforting sanctuary.

Vital support in times of need

Rebecca Williams, Senior Nurse at Morriston Hospital’s ICU, emphasised the importance of these rooms, stating, “We now have a calm and peaceful space for relatives to relax during some of the most difficult times.” This sentiment was echoed by Ricardo Goncalves from the ITU Outreach Team, who noted the transformation of the space into a true escape from the clinical setting.

Collaborating partners at the official opening of the bereavement rooms

Impact of the Partnership

The partnership extends beyond the refurbishment of rooms, representing a collaboration by shared purpose. Ian Bidmead, Managing Director of Space Group, expressed pride in supporting 2wish, highlighting the inspiring work of the charity; “The work that the team at 2wish carry out to support families during their darkest time, as well as the help and training given to hospital staff is truly inspiring, and it’s a charity that Space is very proud to support in whatever way we can”.

The collaboration has resulted in a physical space that acts as a comforting environment for families going through bereavement.

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