A framework to tell your audience what to do

Matt Collins from Platypus Digital gives a framework you can use to make your call to action compelling and clear.
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A framework to tell your audience what to do

Matt Collins from Platypus Digital gives a framework you can use to make your call to action compelling and clear.

What’s the point of all these social media posts?

You’ve been beavering away writing social media posts and blog posts all week. 

You’ve talked to colleague after colleague to gather stories and little nuggets of info to post. 

It took absolutely ages. But they’re out there now.

But now you’re wondering why you even went to all that effort. 

I’m here to tell you why.

The marketing funnel

You might have heard of this concept before. Maybe you thought about one of these. 

Like it or not, everyone you could ever interact with falls into one of these categories. Everyone browsing Twitter for something fun, anyone walking their dog, someone who loves your charity like a family member – they’re all in this funnel.

You might have heard of AIDA or some other fun acronym. This is See Think Do Care, a more modern version of the classic.

See – largest addressable qualified audience. The largest group of people who could possibly be interested in what you have to say. Let’s go big and say people aged 18-75 in the UK.

Think – largest addressable qualified audience with some commercial intent. That means the people in that big See group who are also vaguely thinking about helping your charity.

Do – largest addressable qualified audience with strong commercial intent.That means the people in that big See group who are primed and actively want to help your charity.

Care – extra loyal supporters. Those are the people who have already helped your charity. 

These are the categories that everyone you reach is already in.

What are calls to action?

Easy. They’re when you ask your audience to do something. Call on them to take an action, if you will.

Examples include:

  • Watch our video!
  • Find out more
  • Donate now [by far the most common one in charity land]

What calls to action do

Calls to action move people on to the next stage of the funnel.

If they do that enough times, you hope they’ll become extra loyal supporters one day.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in the next year – but one glorious day. 

And if they become extra loyal supporters, your charity can deliver on the mission it told the Charity Commission it exists for. That’s what it’s all about.

What should my calls to action be?

It’s Christmas soon! So I guarantee you’ll see lots of calls to action about donating to a Christmas appeal. 

Our excellent client Dementia UK is running a Christmas appeal – here’s a tweet promoting it. That’s a ‘Do’ tweet, encouraging people to make that commercial transaction.

Try this ‘Think’ tweet – Sarah’s story, which is motivating someone who’s interested in their work to maybe think about donating. 

And one stage earlier, a ‘See’ tweet – rainy day activities for someone with dementia. This gets the audience interested in their work.

So that’s the point of all these posts.

It’s so easy to forget why we’re doing what we’re doing. 

Everyone you reach is in one of the See Think Do Care categories. Each one has a call to action that will move them on to the next stage. 

Map out your calls to action now for a stonkingly successful Christmas appeal. 

Matt Collins

Matt Collins is the founder of Platypus Digital, a digital marketing agency dedicated to working with charities.

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