Issue 6: Records & reports

A guide to archiving your past reports & making your impact reporting more impactful, cost of giving and more...

Issue 6: Records & reports

A guide to archiving your past reports & making your impact reporting more impactful, cost of giving and more…

This issue will focus on what to do with all your past reports and how to make your future impact reports resonate with stakeholders.

What’s inside this issue:

Archiving for charities – Charities Network Magazine
Document retention and charity archiving can feel overwhelming and a little intimidating, but it need not be.
Cost of giving – Charities Network Magazine
“It’s going to be challenging, but you are probably about to be inspired by the passionate people who want to prioritise your cause through thick and thin.”
Impact reporting – Getting it right and getting ahead – Charities Network Magazine
Impact reports have the potential to be useful tools for charities and their audiences.

Around the web: on volunteers

  • It’s estimated charities lose out on more than £500-600m every year from unclaimed tax relief.  
  • Partner with your community. Inspire them like with this A-Z guide of fundraising ideas
  • 5 things for charity leaders to consider when diversifying income
  • Corporate partnerships can lead to a wide variety of opportunities

Charities Network

Inspiration and tools for charity leaders. From leadership, fundraising and finance to trusteeship, governance and volunteering.

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