Legacy of Lives: A funeral planning platform & hospice partnerships that promote charitable giving

Legacy of Lives is a new online platform that aims to simplify and personalise funeral planning for families while also supporting hospices and promoting charitable giving.
legacy of lives team

Legacy of Lives: A funeral planning platform & hospice partnerships that promote charitable giving

Legacy of Lives is a new online platform that aims to simplify and personalise funeral planning for families while also supporting hospices and promoting charitable giving.

Legacy lives is a funeral planning platform:

  • Founded in 2022
  • Working with hospices to drive down funeral poverty and debt by offering consumers control, choices, and transparency at a time of grief
  • Partnering with charities to enable accessible giving at funeral services
  • Legacylives.com

Legacy of Lives is a new online platform that aims to simplify and personalise funeral planning for families while also supporting hospices and promoting charitable giving. Founded by Rebecca Peach and a team of technology entrepreneurs, the platform was launched to the public in 2022 with the mission of changing the way we view death in the UK and working with charitable hospices to drive down funeral poverty and debt. They have a dedicated page for hospices and charities to partner with them.

Partnerships with Hospice UK and Marie Curie

Legacy of Lives has partnered with two leading UK charities in end-of-life care: Hospice UK and Marie Curie. Legacy of Lives donates £30 to these charities for every funeral planned through the platform, which helps hundreds of thousands of people every year across over 200 hospices and other care settings. Donations are crucial for hospices, especially when public donations are falling due to the ongoing cost of living crisis. The partnerships not only provides financial support for hospices but helps fund research to improve palliative care and raise awareness to reduce the taboo around talking about end-of-life planning.

Kate Redding Corporate Partnerships Manager at Hospice UK said:

“Working with Legacy of Lives is something that we are incredibly proud to be doing. It is clear that they not only understand the vital importance of Hospice care, but also want to take an active role in improving patient care. The funds raised by this partnership will help us to maintain and expand our care as well as raising vital awareness of end-of-life planning. This is an area that is incredibly difficult to talk about, but is incredibly important to ensure that families are looked after and individuals get the care they need.”

Accessible and meaningful charitable giving

Similar to the ways in which charities can look to create partnerships that create accessible and meaningful ways to give – Legacy of Lives offers consumers control, choices and transparency to users. For charities, this means offering an accessible way for people to give to great causes instead of flowers or other gifts at their funeral services – something that has been welcomed by families. Legacy of Lives reports that 80% of families using the platform have opted for charitable donations to be made in their name, over receiving flowers.

Future Growth and Impact

Legacy of Lives has ambitious plans to raise over £2 million for charity causes by 2026. The platform will partner with the NHS to offer support for patients nearing end-of-life that are being treated in an NHS hospital with constructive support for medical staff, loved ones, and patients. This will help ensure that patients and families are prepared during a time of grief and have access to the information and resources they need to make informed decisions about end-of-life care and funeral planning.

This platform and charity partnership supports both organisations in their missions, positively impacting families as they plan funerals and get the support they need.

Rebecca Peach, Founder and CEO of Legacy of Lives said:

“A huge part of our goals for Legacy of Lives is to change the way we view death in the UK, to get people talking about it and to make sure they are prepared and properly looked after. Hospice UK and Marie Curie do vital work in end-of-life care so it is a privilege to be able to partner with them to help make this care possible. Charity is not an add-on to what we are doing at Legacy of Lives, but is rather at the heart of it and it will always be.”

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